Many of their passion for running to lose weight and muscle strengthening(tonim) and it's pretty easy to see why they do it? You will burn 100 calories for1.5 km run and this reduces the amount of your waist and thighs.
Unlike swimming and cycling, running is the sport that also improves bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Also strengthens the immune system, creating a high concentration of cells or else as we call white blood cells that attack the disease. This is also another reason why we need to sprint.
According to the Journal of the National Institute (USA) for cancer, 1-3 hours per week of running leads to 30% reduction in the risk of breast cancer. And themore miles of running, at 60 km per week, the greater the health benefits.Women who run time (60 per week), reduces the risk of dying fromcardiovascular disease by up to 45 percent.
Research shows that even 10 to 15 minutes of moderate-intensity racing can improve the positive mood. Release of endorphins is made by race is body's natural antidepressant herb. So that those who suffer from depression can torelieve it, and perhaps even to remove completely, with jogging.
Accident prevention during travel
Dr Roger WOLMAN reumatologjinë consultant and sports medicine at the RoyalOrthopaedic Hospital says: ' you must build mileage gradually and should alwayswarm yourself with muscle exercises and invited to go more slowly, at the end of racing '. This reduces muscle tension and prevents muscle tears or convolutionand ligaments. The scope also helps the body to heal and recover faster. ' It is essential that you must pay yourself time to recover, "said John King, anorthopedic surgeon for consultation in London Independent Hospital, which hasspecialty sports injuries." The ride is simply enduring the pain myth. Ifsomewhere it hurts, then trying is part. The body needs rest periods so they can be taken gradually to exercise. And if the pain does not leave then v ndoizito a specialist. "For this change is the key to this problem.
' Go run roads in grass whenever possible, and be sure to run different routesare not always the same way. So you avoid the problem that can be caused inone part of the body that runs the same way every time. Running with a simplepair of sneakers do not work and avoid the pressure on your joints caused byexecution is good to have a pair of sports shoes with shock absorbe. For womenanother thing is important, says Dr. King, are bra.
Friction peaks can get hurt, irritate, and maybe even you bleed. So all this can beavoided with a good pair of sports bra. However, the injuries should not bereason for you not to start the race. Given the health benefits that have the racethen you shouldn't think more injuries that could be avoided with care. Get out of Run for your health.
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